Marketing StrategyIn order to be competitive and quickly capture attention of your ideal clients, you need to be able to express your message in a clear and concise manner. You also need to be able to communicate in a way which distinctly sets you apart in your field. Your clients will assume that you’re just like your competition unless you can impress upon them almost instantly that you’re not.

Fortunately, in a sea of sameness it’s not too difficult to position yourself as the expert that you are. With just a little creativity and extra effort, you can be a stand-out in your industry and be the envy of your peers. When you master the following three strategies, your marketing will become much more effective, and profitable.

1. Be like Webster:
It’s absolutely imperative to define yourself and your brand. Whether it’s a well defined niche, or emphasis upon your area of expertise, (or even better, BOTH!) you must have some distinguishing characteristics that are quickly and easily identified. Your prospective clients will decide in less than three seconds whether to hang out on your website, or open your emails.

When you take a stand as a specialist, it makes your marketing easier, and also more attention getting. As an expert, it becomes simpler to understand who your target audience members are, and where to go to find them. It also makes the “how-to” part of marketing more natural and FUN. Furthermore, when you have a specific audience and a systematized solution, it’s unquestionable as to what type of information, solutions, resources and tools will provide the most value to your market, and get the most attention for your business.

2. Speak Results:
Being a specialist pays off most when it’s clearly conveyed, as in shouted from the rooftops. Emphasize your message at every point of communication so that it’s cohesive across all of your digital marketing channels. On your website, make sure that your tagline, home page copy, and opt-in gift are related and connected with the same theme. Make sure that all your blog posts have a central goal centered around the results your clients want. Every time your clients cross your path you want them to be reminded that you are the “go-to” resource for your area of expertise.

3. Avoid Vanilla:
Marketing needs to stand out and get noticed, like mint chocolate chip or even superman. Vanilla gets overlooked in a freezer of flavors. There are many business owners who are unwilling to invest in a slick website or a beautiful brand. That means there is opportunity for you to steal the spotlight. Over 85% of all buying decisions are researched on the internet. What do your prospective clients see when they look at your online marketing?

Give your marketing materials a once over. Is your website clean, uncluttered and easy to scan? First impressions count more than ever, especially in the online world where it only takes one click to look elsewhere. Make sure that your marketing gets noticed and is worthy of being bookmarked, shared, and subscribed to. Killer copy writing, eye popping graphics, interactive elements like video, podcasts, and assessments all combine for a creative communication strategy that attracts clients and provides you with residual income.

Which of these strategies do you need help with? Leave me a comment or a question below, I’d love to help you out.