Get clients from workshops

Giving live teleseminars and workshops are one of the very best ways to increase your number of clients and profits. By sharing valuable information on health and wellness topics, you are positioning yourself as an expert and gaining instant credibility. Speakers and teachers are almost always admired by their audience as long as they can speak in complete sentences avoid being boring.
There are strategies and techniques which speakers can utilize to greatly enhance the chances in gaining a new clients or two from workshops.
First, always ask event organizers if you can be the last speaker of the day.  Obviously this won’t apply if you are hosting your own event as the sole presenter.  By closing the show, your audience has the opportunity to speak with you personally after your speech and you have the chance to build some rapport and seal the deal for more consultations on the spot.
During your presentation, explain to your audience that your objectives for speaking with them include giving them information which will help them live a healthier lifestyle and achieve their individual goals, such as losing weight, lowering their cholesterol, etc.  You will have their attention when you zero in on their concerns and goals.
Then, give brief details about your special offer you are giving for being such an attentive audience with positive energy.  Offer the opportunity to speak with you personally in the next couple weeks about their specific goals and concerns, in which you would offer them a couple of action steps as a thank you for completing your feedback form.
Pass our your evalution forms to collect any comments on your lecture which also includes their contact information.  In return for completed evaluation forms, pass out your invitation for a free consultation.  You might optionally also offer a coupon or gift certificate for your services.
As long as you deliver an interesting and value packed lecture, clients will be interested in learning more about you and signing up for your free consultation.  Be sure not to be too sales-y during your speech or you’ll lose the interest of your listeners.
Ask for questions and encourage interaction to build connections and interest in your services.  Consider offering a raffle for a book or prize to build your list and get their permission to send your latest newsletter or free report.
Clients who aren’t interested in signing up for a free consultation this week might be interested a few months down the road.  Marketing research shows that some clients need at least seven to nine points of contact before becoming motivated to hire a business.  Collect names today and book yourself solid later.