If you’d like to increase website traffic, think about how you read a newspaper. Do you start from the beginning and read to the end, or do you scan each page and read the articles which have headlines that catch your eye and peak your interest? Most likely it’s the latter description and you’re in good company. Most people scan search engine results and websites in the same type of manner. Therefore, it’s essential to learn how to write titles that will capture more readers and attract more visitors to your website.

The ABC’s of titles
A title is so much more than just being a description of your content. Titles can be utilized wisely to optimize your website in the following ways. For a perfectly optimized title, incorporate as many of the following as possible:
Keywords~Keywords are integral for attracting more website visitors and gaining search engine rank. A little keyword research can be helpful when choosing titles to further capitalize on popular keywords and phrases.
Hook~ A “hook” is a compelling way to attract attention. If you’re writing about strawberries, “How to Eat Strawberries” is somewhat interesting, but if you use a title like “Top Three Ways to Finding Delicious Strawberries” peaks the interest because readers naturally wonder what those top three strategies might be.
Brevity~Keep titles short and sweet by using keyword rich terms that appeal to readers. Be sure to reuse your title in the first sentence of the opening paragraph to reinforce your keywords and phrases.

Headlines Count Too!
Webpages also benefit from headlines, titles aren’t just for blog posts! Be sure your headline stands out by using a bold font, and contains keywords which pertain to the page content. Include links that are clickable and will help readers navigate your site to find other relevant content within your website.