
It may have never occurred to you to think about how entrepreneurial the pilgrims were. But when you consider that they remained true to themselves, moved across the planet to an unknown land in the 17th century, and forged their own place in history, you’ll begin to realize how innovative they truly were.

The Pilgrims Broke the Rules

The pilgrims strayed from societal norms by persisting in staying true to their religion despite it not being the official religion of England. By rebelling against these laws, they in essence were the initiators of the freedom of religion that would become part of the U.S. constitution.

Many people feel trapped in their hometowns due to marriage, children, or other responsibilities. Or they just don’t leave because it’s all they’ve ever known. And this is in a time when you can fly across the Atlantic Ocean in a few hours. Imagine being a housewife in rural England and considering how you’re going to traverse the Atlantic Ocean with your kids, which would have taken several months.

You’ve of course heard the saying, “Rules were made to be broken.” Are there rules, self-imposed or otherwise, that you could be breaking?

Are there ways to navigate around obstacles that will cause your business to succeed faster and still maintain your personal integrity and abide by the law?

The Pilgrims Created Their Own Community

The traditions of the United States have always been rooted in immigration. As Schoolhouse Rock sang, this is “The Great American Melting Pot.” While Americus Vespucci and Christopher Columbus are credited with discovering The New World, the pilgrims are credited with being the first Europeans to immigrate here.

Despite social adversity, disease, and hunger, the pilgrims forged their own way and founded a community that has evolved into modern-day Plymouth, Massachusetts. They even famously found a way to give thanks for what they had despite all they had lost, including their loved ones, citizenship, and familiarity.

What could you be doing more of to create a community that will ensure the success of your business? 

Are there leads, referrals and sales that you could be pursuing? What promotions could you be starting that would be of interest to your potential customers? What items could you be selling that they’d want to buy? What blog articles could you be writing that they’d want to read?

The Pilgrims Pursued Innovative Trading Solutions

America’s Thanksgiving has often been criticized for ignoring European settlers’ mistreatment of Native Americans. Thanksgiving has continued to be recognized as a national holiday despite this because while they may have been harbingers of these atrocities, it was impossible for them to have been solely responsible. In all likelihood, they would have been unaware of what would occur in the future because they themselves moved across the ocean to get away from oppression.

In fact, if the pilgrims had not found a way to befriend nearby Native Americans, they would have suffered their own atrocities. The pilgrims, like other travelers of the time, brought gifts with them to offer the Native Americans. And in return, the Native Americans introduced the pilgrims to crops like corn and showed them how to harvest them.

As Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and the rest of the holiday shopping season approach, do you have merchandise to offer that may have not occurred to you? 

Are you withholding resources for some undetermined later date, when this could be one of the things holding your business back?

The Pilgrims Seized Opportunities & Didn’t Ask Permission

The pilgrims didn’t kow tow to the whims of the monarchy and become members of a religion they didn’t believe in just to fit in. They didn’t wait around for the king to okay their decision to leave. They didn’t arrive in The New World unprepared. They anticipated possible outcomes, planned accordingly, and monitored and adjusted.

The Latin adage Carpe Diem adorns offices throughout the planet for a reason.

Has your procrastination gotten in the way of the success of your business?

Are there opportunities you could be seizing right now?

What plans and time management do you need to implement to make these occur?

Are you waiting for someone else to give you permission to be successful?

Do you need to sign up for a course and ask for help from an expert like a business coach to see your success manifest itself?