Year End Marketing Report Card

Before writing your 2010 marketing plan strategy, it’s necessary to review the success of 2009’s marketing campaign.  Review the following criteria to help establish what to repeat in 2010, and what methods didn’t offer a return on your investment, whether it was time or money.

Completing a year end evaluation paves the way to creating a blueprint for success in the New  Year.

1. Make a list of all the types of marketing employed over the last year.  Include all free and paid sources of leads.   Include referral sources, paid advertising, website leads, pay per click ads, as well as social media marketing.

2.  Write down every lead source obtained this year.  (Be sure that you have a method for asking every client how they heard about your service or company).

3. Determine the cost of each marketing endeavor, and divide the cost between each lead which turned into a customer to evaluate which marketing expenditures were most profitable.  It’s a wise idea to consider how much time was spent on free marketing methods such as social media as well.

4. List the most profitable services and products over the past year.  Which services and products were most profitable this year?  Which of these need to expanded in 2010, or possibly scrapped altogether.

Creating a year end review shouldn’t take more than an hour of time, so don’t procrastinate.  Schedule the time into your planner if necessary.   Your 2009 marketing report card is a valuable tool which makes it obvious what types of marketing are paying off, and what needs to be reconsidered or just redesigned.

Print these questions off and complete them as soon as possible, preferably while it’s still 2009.

Happy New  Year!